Friday 29 August 2014

What are Solar panels

Solar Panels are devices that convert sunlight into electricity. The name solar panel itself justifies the meaning as the word solar means sunlight or light from sun. A solar panel is a collection of solar cell bounded together to perform their function i.e converting light to electricity. Depending on the size of Solar Panel lots of number of small solar cells are spread over the panel to provide enough power to be useful.the amount of electricity to be generated by solar panel is directly proportional to the amount of light it gets, not all the light that panel gets is converted to electricity some portion of it goes to wastage too and the remaining portion can be used.

Types of Solar Panels

There are several types of Solar panels available in the market. People choose the best one according to their needs and Budget. As the number of manufacturers are increasing so are the types of Solar panels. As time is passing by the market of solar panel manufacturing is getting bigger and more intense and more technological advancement are taking place in this regard. One of the examples of technological advancement in manufacturing of Solar panels is developing such a panel that avoids wastage of conversion of light to electricity and to increase the percentage that is actually available for usage. the main essence or factor of efficient working of solar panel is photovoltaic (PV) modules, So basically the better arrangement and quality of photovoltaic (PV) modules will be there the more efficient and better solar panel would be.

1. Polycrystalline ( multicrystalline) - Polycrystalline panels are made up from the silicon cutoffs, also known as crystallites, giving the material the metal flake effect. The crystalline framework is homogenous, which can be recognized by an even external colouring.Polycrystalline silicon is also a key component of solar panel construction. 

2. Hybrid Panels - Also known as hybrid PV/T systems or PVT, is the type of solar panel that convert solar energy into thermal and electrical energy. The system is a combination of photovoltaic cells which convert photons into electricity with a solar thermal collector, which captures the remaining energy and removes waste heat from the PV module.

3. Monocrystalline Panels - Monocrystalline Panels have a advantage of being of superior technology. Monocrystalline solar cell is in dark black colour. Due to physical nature of monocrystalline silicon, the corners of cells are usually missing due to nature of production process.

What is Solar Power

Solar Power

The conversion of Sunlight into electricity by different means is knows as solar power. The conversion takes place either directly or indirectly.  In the method of Direct conversion, photovoltaics (PV) are used and convert light into electric current using the photovoltaic effect and with indirect conversion, concentrated solar power (CSP). Concentrated solar power systems use lenses or mirrors to focus a large area of sunlight into a small beam. Early Development of Solar Power started in 1860s , the reason for development as time passed by was the belief that coal will one day get exhausted from earth and a cheaper and green energy efficient way had to be discovered. Use of solar power is popular now a days in developed countries like USA, UK. Solar Power is widely used in rural area due to open spaces and less energy consumption.  Rural area where electricity is a problem due to remote nature of their location , use of solar power is more. Government also advises use of Solar power because its a non-renewable source of energy and some countries even gives grants for usage of solar power.

Solar Energy

The Energy present in the Sunlight is known as Solar Energy. Use of Solar energy is a cheaper source of energy to make electricity and is compared to be cheaper as compared to Oil or coal. Countries have started accepting the fact that solar energy should be used because it's a non-renewable source of energy as compared to other sources. Solar energy can be used in many ways for example, -  To generate electricity with solar cells or heat engines & To take the salt away from seawater. there are numerous benefits of using solar energy like it's cheaper as compared to other sources of energy, it's renewable, Independent resource and many other benefits.